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Kristin provides program evaluation, curriculum design, and policy analysis services for clients in public and private sectors, and is a regular public speaker at public events and conferences in the US and abroad.



Program evaluation

East New York Farms!

A project of United Community Centers, Inc., Brooklyn, NY.

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Curriculum design

Food Studies Associates Degree program Hostos Community College/City University of New York, Bronx, NY.          

Design of a first-of-its kind associate’s degree program in food studies.

See coverage in The Atlantic on 6/1/15 here.           

See New York Times coverage on 1/28/15 here.

Food Studies undergraduate major, University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine

In 2017 Kristin was a visiting scholar at The University of Southern Maine, where she helped launch this new program.

See coverage in Bangor Daily News on 2/21/17 here.

See coverage in Portland Press Herald on 12/14/16 here.

Environmental Studies undergraduate major, The New School, New York, New York

From 2010-2016, Kristin collaborated with program faculty to refine the curriculum to meet student needs in this evolving and globally important field of study.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems undergraduate major, University of California, Davis, CA

From 2003-2010, Kristin was part of a faculty-student curriculum development committee that created the SAFS curriculum.

Farm School NYC, New York, New York

From its launch in 2010 until 2014, Kristin was a member of the School’s academic and curriculum committee, helping to guide Farm School’s pedagogical trajectory.

Policy and Funder Research

Karen Karp & Partners, New York, NY. 2014.


In 2014, Kristin was retained as a consultant with Karen Karp & Partners to conduct scoping research on policies and funding for urban agriculture projects for youth.



Kristin speaks regularly in a variety of venues in the United States and internationally.
Presenting in English or French, her talks draw from her expertise in global food systems and policy; urban agriculture and food justice issues; and community-engaged scholarship.

Recent highlights


Invited speaker. (Online.) The Policy Center Live. Video series of The Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center, Alcorn State University. Hosted by Kara Woods. August 30, 2023. Online at:


We are working to add lists of publicly-available talks that Kristin has given. See this one given in October 2023:

‘Urban Agriculture and Racial and Economic Equity with Kristin Reynolds’ Part of the Cities@Tufts Colloquia, hosted by Julian Agyeman. Find a video of the talk and links to the podcast on Shareable.


Facing the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit. Online via The New School, New York, NY. 25 March, 2021. VIDEO

Panel discussion.

‘Just Food’ Symposium: Racial Equity in KY Food Systems. University of Kentucky Center for Equality and Social Justice.
Lexington, KY. 21 February, 2020.


“Food Sovereignty in the Context of Structural and Systemic Violence: Power, Scale, and Resolve” — International Congress on Food Justice and Sovereignty in the Americas: Inequality, Food, and Agriculture. Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Mexico City, Mexico. 28-31 October, 2019.


(In French.) “La justice sociale et alimentaire dans les mouvements d’agriculture urbaine: aujourd’hui et dans le futur.” [Social justice and food justice in urban agriculture movements : today and in the future.]
10e École d’Été en Agriculture Urbaine [Tenth annual urban agriculture   summer school.]
Université Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec. 24 August, 2018.


Introduction of Awardee Olivier De Schutter at James Beard Leadership Awards. New York, NY.          
October 23, 2017.

Invited book talk.

“Beyond the Kale: Urban Agriculture and Social Justice Activism in New York City.” Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series. (2017 Theme Urban Innovations,      Sustainable Solutions). Franklin Environmental Center, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.     
April 20, 2017.